There are numerous ways to make money online but there is no such way to make a living than creating a salable blog. If you are a good writer and have the skill set to make it big, it's time to put that energy to good use and start to make money from your blog. Here is how!
1) Write witty one liners
If you want to make money from your blog, you need to start writing intelligent one liners on random blogs. The owners of these blogs would then get attracted to your link and take a closer look at your personal blog.
2) Effective backlinks through quality articles
If you have to make money from your blog, you need to write numerous articles and submit them over the internet. If your articles are informative, you would start to generate quality backlinks. This would increase the traffic to your blog which in turn would enhance your profit margin.
3) Press Releases
A press release is ideally done to promote a website but there are times when bloggers use press releases to promote their own blog. So if you want to make money from your blog, start writing efficient press releases. If you are not comfortable with writing a press release, hand it over to a professional.
4) Make optimum use of blog directories and RSS directories
Write and submit your articles to blog directories and do the same with RSS directories. This would help promote your blog and you would soon start to make money from your blog.
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