Blogger BlogNet23975

Health Benefits of a Glass of Wine


Alcohol, for years, has gotten a bad reputation for having zero health benefits and numerous social implications. While this has painted it in a bad light which has, to some degree, influence 35% of adult Americans not to drink at all, it has also led to research to confirm the negative stigma associated with alcohol.

The research that resulted has led to some interesting conclusions. In 1992, a team of researchers from Harvard University released a report detailing the 8 best things to do to fight or prevent coronary heart disease. Shockingly enough to many people, moderate consumption of alcohol was on the list. The moderate intake of alcohol improves cardiovascular health. The key here is that the consumption must be moderate. Drinking a bottle of wine or a case of beer a day will not help a person's heart.

While the Harvard research did not specify what type of alcohol they meant, subsequent studies have revealed that red wine gives the consumer the most benefit. Red wine is largely seen to be the most beneficial, healthwise, form of alcohol. The cardioprotective effect is attributed largely to the antioxidants found in the skin and seeds of the various red grapes used to produce red wine.

The antioxidants help in three key ways. For starters, they reduce the levels of LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) or bad cholesterol in the body. Next, they boost or increase the HDL (high-density lipoprotein) or good cholesterol levels. For a final benefit, they reduce blood clotting. Reducing blood clotting may sound bad but it can have positive effects like preventing the formation of blood clots that cause strokes. Having a glass of red wine with a meal can even increase a person's lipids. This is a good thing.

In addition to contributing to cardiovascular health, red wine and the flavonoids provide other benefits. The key to the other benefits is the antioxidant resveratrol. Research suggests that the high levels of resveratrol in red wines may inhibit the growth of some types of tumors. This means that red wine may help people prevent cancer from forming. Also, resveratrol promotes the formation of nerve cells. As it is suspected that both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's have something to do with nerve formation, this can help a person treat or even sometimes prevent these diseases.

Any person that is considering taking up a glass of red wine a day should be aware of the best wines to drink. A study by a team of researchers from the University of California - Davis measured the antioxidant levels of a variety of red wines. As a general rule of thumb, the sweeter the wine, the fewer the flavonoids. The best reds to drink are Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Syrah, and Pinot Noir. Merlots and Red Zinfandels are less potent than the other three wines but still have some benefits. White wines have significantly fewer flavonoids than their red counterparts.

For more information on alcohol and its effects, please visit

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Blogger BlogNet23975: Oct 29, 2008

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