Blogger BlogNet23975

What Really Causes Adult Acne?

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If you are an adult and struggling with acne, you are not alone. Acne isn't just something that affects teens like some may think. Nearly 50% of women and 25% of men break out. For some, it is an occasional worry and for others it is something they have to deal with on a daily basis. It can be one small pimple or can affect your entire face, neck, back, chest and upper arms. Acne may occur more often among women but it is more severe in men. This is because men have more testosterone, which causes the skin to produce more oil and in turn increases acne.

Adult acne is more likely to cause scarring than adolescent acne. As we age, our skin produces less collagen, and therefore skin has less elasticity and is not able to "bounce" back. Acne scars that are merely a discoloration will eventually fade in time. Pits and craters will not go away on their own. To get rid of these types of acne scars, you will need to undergo a procedure with a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon.

Acne is not caused by being dirty, eating too much sugar or drinking too much caffeine. These are just myths. Not keeping your skin clean, eating sugary foods and drinking caffeine packed sodas may make acne more severe, though. Weather, stress, hormonal changes, oily skin and certain medications can aggravate acne prone skin as well. Acne is an inflammation due to oil and dead skin cells clogging pores. It can be caused by bacteria, heredity, hormones, and/or clogged pores. Washing your face with a cleanser that is too rough on your skin can cause skin to be scratched or tear, allowing more bacteria into the skin and making acne worse. Washing your face too often can worsen acne because the skin will produce more oil than it normally would to make up for all the oil washed away.

For women, wearing make up can increase acne. Unless skin is extra sensitive, using a make-up that is non-comedogenic should alleviate this problem. Do not use oil based make-up at all if you are prone to breakouts. Oil based make up will clog your pores, which will lead to more pimples. Many women experience breakouts during ovulation and their period. This is due to hormonal changes. Women also get breakouts during pregnancy and even menopause because of hormones as well. Stress can also worsen acne because it increases hormone production by the adrenal gland, which means an increase in androgens. Androgens are also found in testosterone, which we mentioned earlier can make acne more severe.

There are ways to prevent or cure acne. First, you need to wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser. Make sure the cleanser you choose is not too harsh for your skin so it doesn't end up making your acne worse. Next, make sure you stay well hydrated. Water is a wonderful thing. It helps to rid the body of toxins and keeps skin looking and feeling fresh and healthy.

Never pick at pimples! This can force the bacteria deeper into the pores and can increase scarring. Avoid touching your face. By simply resting your check on your hand, you can push bacteria into your pores, clogging them and causing a breakout. Use only non-comedogenic make up, sunscreen and hair products. Other products can clog pores. Try not to wear hats or headbands. Finally, find a skin care plan that works for you and stick with it. It can take a few weeks to see positive results so don't give up hope if you don't see changes immediately.

It can take a few tries to find the right skin care plan for you, and the price can add up quickly. Luckily I have found some Free Samples of Acne Medicine which let you try the best treatments for free.

Acne Treatment

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